Report with Confidence

If you think that data analysis is purely for the IT team, then think again.
Elevate is the data management service designed to help SME’s and non-technical departments (Sales, Operations and Marketing) get to grip with their data in a way that they didn’t believe was possible. Plus, The IT Department will be able to assess the security and sharing implications of implementing a new system. Using Microsoft’s Power BI platform, this service provides not just the data but it integrates it with your other systems first and provides continuous support afterwards.
You’ll be guided through the whole process, making sure that each step is made at your pace, that you are able to collate the specific reports that you need to get your job done. The approach will be methodical and consultative, enabling you to get your data in order, make insights effortless and be in a position for your company to grow, thrive and compete.
With our package, training and support, your team will be analysing data like a pro.
Oh, and it’s competitively priced too.