Impartial planning and advice from our software consultants

Do you need a new data solution or a new piece of custom software but have no IT team to scope it out?
Or, do you want to introduce a business intelligence solution and despite having a very capable in-house tech team, additional resources are needed?

Our Consulting Services/Consultancy Workshops are designed to help you plan out what your requirements are. They are an investigative journey into your company’s needs.

Our workshops are delivered by software consultants and are an ideal way of getting you ready to plan out the next stage of implementation, by providing you with impartial advice to move forward with your software or data solution plans but, without the obligation to employ us for the next stage.

How do our workshops work?

Led by a Business Analyst, or a Technical/Software Consultant depending on your requirements, we’ll workshop with key stakeholders; these could be directors, end users, clients or other team members and provide solutions and recommendations based on your goals and objectives. We have found this piece of discovery work invaluable; we can get to know each other whilst getting to know what software or solution is required.
We are a friendly team of software consultants who can talk in both tech jargon and non-tech ways so that your team is fully engaged in the process.

What happens next?

Post workshop, our software consultants will spend time writing up the documentation into a Scoping Document. This will be presented to you in a format that is understandable to all. We ensure that technical jargon is avoided as we feel it’s important for all stakeholders to have a full understanding of the scoping document.
Once you have received this, you’ll be in a position to move forward, to take the document to other providers to get comparative quotes for the work outlined or, alternatively to contact us to do the work.
Our intention is to leave you empowered to make your decision, where you can review the pros and cons and plan out a strategy that is right for you.

Book a call :

We’d love to discuss your software requirements. You can now either book a call or send us a message and we’ll get back to you.


Book a 15 minute discovery call with us